
Baby class
Your baby's day is organized to fit in with their needs and your routine. Babies have their own outdoor area with access to a separate sensory activity area to aid their development and understanding of the world. Once your baby becomes more mobile, they will also have access to our soft play area and baby gym. We employ a high ratio of 1 staff to 3 babies, keeping in line with UK Ofsted guidelines. All staff caring for babies are specifically selected and trained to care for this age group. Our trained HAAD qualified Nurse is also based inside the baby class.

Toddler class
In the toddler class, the children are beginning to settle into a routine. They are learning to sit at a table and follow simple instructions from the Teacher. Lots of sensory and play-based activities are happening throughout the day, which gives children the opportunity to experiment with new materials such as paint and glue.

Nursery class
Each child is encouraged to develop their own pattern of eating, playing, socializing, and toilet training (using purpose-designed child-sized toilets, cubicles, and hand basins). By developing their own routine in a safe and structured environment the child develops confidence, understanding, and ability. When they start pre-school, they do so as confident learners.

Children moving from Nursery to Pre-school have the advantage of remaining in familiar surroundings with staff that will already be well known to them. All pre-school activities are carefully planned around the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, intended to prepare children for when they move on to school (FS2). The Early Learning Goals of the EYFS are delivered through the following seven key areas of learning.