As a nursery we are committed to the integration of children with additional needs and welcome them into our nursery environment. As part of this integration, we also ensure children themselves practice inclusion by treating one another with respect and by participating in activities together. We believe that children with additional needs are entitled to the same opportunities as other children in the nursery and our specially trained staff ensure they are given them, alongside other positive experiences to ensure children reach their full potential.As a nursery we are committed to the integration of children with additional needs and welcome them into our nursery environment. As part of this integration, we also ensure children themselves practice inclusion by treating one another with respect and by participating in activities together. We believe that children with additional needs are entitled to the same opportunities as other children in the nursery and our specially trained staff ensure they are given them, alongside other positive experiences to ensure children reach their full potential.
Each childs needs will be assessed on an individual basis and we will adapt our facilities as appropriate, wherever possible. In the case of requiring additional support in classes and the resources being unavailable, then a meeting will be arranged for the parents by the Nursery Manager. This will be used to discuss how we can work in partnership, ensuring we work with the best interests of the child, and may include special arrangements being made such as a professional shadow teacher to support within the classroom. We will continuously observe and meet with parents to re-evaluate. Special arrangements such as a shadow teacher may require additional fees which will be discussed at the time.