Parents as Partners
As part of our commitment to the Early Years Foundation Stage, we see parents as partners in children’s learning and are committed to working in close partnership with our parents. We believe parents are children’s first educators and know that a welcoming atmosphere with good communication between parents and the nursery is vital for children’s development. As a community we support families and are always available to help with any questions or concerns.
We use a variety of methods of communication to engage and inform parents about what is happening within the nursery such as through email, newsletters, notice boards and social media. Our Tapestry application ensures parents have a daily connection to their childs class teacher and provides updates in notes and picture form. We hold parent teacher meetings throughout the year to allow dedicated time for each parent to sit with their childs teacher and discuss their progress, strengths they may have, any areas where we are helping them to develop their skills and next steps moving forward.
We hold parent events in the nursery throughout the year. These events are fun events carefully planned which enable parents to spend quality time with their child in their nursery environment. Painting day, messy day and sports day are favourites! We also host coffee mornings termly which give parents the opportunity to meet other parents and is usually a time where play dates are arranged.
Field trips are a part of our programme and take place throughout the year. Our field trips are fun and educational, and we always link the trip to the learning which is happening in class. Field trips are planned in advance to give parents notice and we welcome parents as volunteers on our trips.
We encourage parents to take time to read all the nurserys policies which can be found in reception in the seating area.